The species
Boosepivirus C belongs to the genus
Five genome sequences named
ovine picornavirus have been deposited on GenBank (Forth et al.,
2019). A novel ovine
picornavirus in lambs with polioencephalomyelitis, 1998-present.
Progressive neurological signs, often fatal, were recorded in young
preweaned lambs in spring 2016 and 2017. Neuropathology demonstrated
polioencephalomyelitis, and metagenomic analysis identified a novel
picornavirus, which was subsequently detected by a newly developed
PCR system in tissue samples of affected animals and archived
samples collected in 1998-2014.
Information retrieved from BioProject
Genome organisation:
Forth LF, Scholes SFE, Pesavento PA, Jackson K, Mackintosh A, Carson
A, Howie F, Schlottau K, Wernike K, Pohlmann A, Höper D, Beer M.
(2019). Novel picornavirus in lambs with severe encephalomyelitis.
Emerging Infectious Diseases 25(5), May 2019. doi: