Crohivirus B is the
type species within the
genus Crohivirus. It consists of a virus which has been found in the
straw-coloured fruit bat (Eidolon
helvum) (Yinda et al., 2017).
Genome organisation
Yinda, C.K., Zell, R., Deboutte, W., Zeller, M., Conceição-Neto, N.,
Heylen, E., Maes, P., Knowles, N.J., Ghogomu, S.M., Van Ranst, M.
and Matthijnssens, J. Highly diverse population of
Picornaviridae and other members of the Picornavirales,
in Cameroonian fruit bats. BMC Genomics 18: 249. doi: