 Guangdong red-banded snake PV

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Bat picornavirus BtRf-PicoV-2
Fujian spotted paddle-tail newt PV
Guangdong red-banded snake PV
Virus common name: Guangdong red-banded snake picornavirus
Species: unassigned
Genus: unassigned
Supergroup: SG6
Genome organisation:  
Host: red-banded snake (Lycodon rufozonatus)
Isolated: no
Database accession: MG600082
PMID: 29618816
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0012-7
Reference: Shi M, Lin XD, Chen X, Tian JH, Chen LJ, Li K, Wang W, Eden JS, Shen JJ, Liu L, Holmes EC, Zhang YZ. The evolutionary history of vertebrate RNA viruses. Nature. 2018 Apr;556(7700):197-202. Epub 2018 Apr 4. Erratum in: Nature. 2018 Jun 26.

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