Hetrick and Hedrick (1993) mention picorna-like viruses in
the following salmonid species, Salmo trutta fario (brown trout),
Salvelinus fontinalis (the brook trout), Oncorhynchus mykiss
(steelhead trout) (Eaton et al., 1992) and Oncorhynchus clarki (cutthroat trout). See also
McAllister (1993), Sano (1995) and Yun et al. (1989).
Eaton, W.D., Bagshaw, J., Hulett, J. and Evans, S. (1992). Isolation
of a picorna-like virus from Steelhead in Washington State. J. Aquat.
Anim. Health. 4:90-96.
Hetrick, F.M. and Hedrick, R.P. (1993).
New viruses described in finfish from 1988-1992. Ann. Rev. Fish Dis. 3: 187-207.
McAllister, P.E. (1993). Salmonid fish
viruses. Pages 380–408 in M.K. Stoskopf, editor. Fish medicine. Saunders,
Sano, T. (1995). Viruses and viral diseases of
salmonids. Aquaculture 132: 43-52.
Yun, S., Hedrick, R.P. and Wingfield, W.H.
(1989). A picorna-like virus from salmonids in California. Am. Fish Soc.
Newsletter 17: 6.