 Beluga picornavirus

Child level

Same level

Avocet PV X
Avocet PV A
Avocet PV B
Beluga picornavirus
Bat PV 1 & 2
Bat PV 3
Bat sapelovirus
Canine PV 1
Humpback whale blow-assoc. PV
Ia io PV 1
Marmot sapelovirus 2
Netherby virus
Pigeon PV A & B
Sapelo-like porcine PV Japan
Scotophilus kuhii PV
Tasmanian devil-associated sapelovirus
Theobald's toad-headed agama PV 2
Weddell virus
Virus common name: Beluga picornavirus
Sample: HMU-1/China/2018
Species: unassigned
Genus: unassigned
Supergroup: SG-3
Genome organisation: 5’UTR[L/1A-1B-1C-1D/2Apro-2B-2C/3A-3BVPg-3Cpro-3Dpol]3’UTR-poly(A)
Sequence length (nt): 8197
Host: Delphinapterus leucas (beluga whale)
Isolated: no
Database accession: MW883077
PMID: 34697355
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-00605-y
Reference: Wang G, Huang Y, Zhang W, Peng R, Luo J, Liu S, Bai S, Hu X, Wu Z, Yang F, Shen S, Zhang Y, Tang C, Cui X, Niu L, Lu G, Li S, Deng F, Zhang P, Du J, Yin F. Identification and genome analysis of a novel picornavirus from captive belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in China. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 25;11(1):21018.

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