 Enterovirus fitauri

Child level

EV-F seqs
EV-F in possums
EV-F refs

Same level

Enterovirus alphacoxsackie
Enterovirus B
Enterovirus coxsackiepol
Enterovirus deconjuncti
Enterovirus eibovi
Enterovirus fitauri
Enterovirus geswini
Enterovirus hesimi
Enterovirus idromi
Enterovirus jesimi
Enterovirus krodeni
Enterovirus lesimi
Enterovirus alpharhino
Enterovirus betarhino
Enterovirus cerhino
Unassigned EV
Prototype strains
EV refs
  The species Enterovirus fitauri (formerly Enterovirus F) is comprised of group B bovine enteroviruses (formerly classified within the species Bovine enterovirus which no longer exists).

The sequence of an enterovirus from yaks (Bos grunniens; KU955844) represents a seventh type.

Currently eight types are recognised, EV-F1 to EV-F8.
Current type Former type Old type Prototype strain Accession no.
EV-F1 BEV-B1 BEV-2 bov/BEV-261 DQ092770
EV-F2 BEV-B2 BEV-2 bov/PS 89 DQ092795
EV-F3 BEV-B3 BEV-2 bov/PS 87 DQ092794
EV-F4 BEV-B4 BEV-2 possum/W1 AY462106
EV-F5 BEV-B5 BEV-2 bov/M80 PQ415717
EV-F6 BEV-B6 BEV-2 bov/T11f PQ415718
EV-F7 - - yak/SWUN-AB001/China/2014 KU955844
EV-F8 - - AN12/JPN/2014 LC038188

Two viruses isolated from possums in New Zealand belong to EV-F4 (EV-F4).

The crystal structure of EV-F3 (PS 87) has been determined (Roedig et al., 2017).


Roedig, P., Ginn, H.M., Pakendorf, T., Sutton, G., Harlos, K., Walter, T.S., Meyer, J., Fischer, P., Duman, R., Vartiainen, I., Reime, B., Warmer, M., Brewster, A.S., Young, I.D., Michels-Clark, T., Sauter, N.K., Kotecha, A., Kelly, J., Rowlands, D.J., Sikorsky, M., Nelson, S., Damiani, D.S., Alonso-Mori, R., Ren, J., Fry, E.E., David, C., Stuart, D.I., Wagner, A. and Meents, A. (2017). High-speed fixed-target serial virus crystallography. Nat. Methods 2017 Jun 19. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.4335. [Epub ahead of print]

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